Peter of Callinicum

Peter of Callinicum or Peter III of Raqqa[1] was the non-Chalcedonian 39th patriarch of Antioch (from 581 until his death in 591) who responded at length in Syriac to accusations of tritheism formulated by his colleague Damian of Alexandria (557/8-606/7) in his Adversus Tritheistas or Many-lined Letter. The work abounds in citations from earlier Greek authors, including the Cappadocians, John Chrysostom, Cyril of Alexandria as well as Severus of Antioch, translated into Syriac. It deals intensively with the theological and philosophical terminology involved with and illustrates the consequences of the rejection of the Chalcedonian Definition in Syriac monastic circles.


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  1. ^ William Taylor, Antioch and Canterbury: the Syrian Orthodox Church and the Church of England, 1874-1928, Gorgias Press 2006, p.15 n.1.
Preceded by
Paul II
Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch
Succeeded by
Julian I